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Splitting a concatenated RAxML-style PHYLIP file

I’ve written a little script in Python 3 that will unconcatenate a RAxML-style PHYLIP + partitions file. I’ve used it recently to do a gene tree-species tree analysis for phylogenetic inference. It’s a little slow since it doesn’t manage file handles well (or at all), but it should use very little memory and therefore be able to handle very large concatenated alignments.

Here’s a short worked example using the data from the RAxML “hands-on” tutorial

  1. Download the script and all data files

    curl -LO
    curl -LO
    curl -LO
  2. Run the script

    python3 dna.phy simpleDNApartition.txt
  3. Examine the output

    INFO: Working on 10 taxa
    INFO: Wrote to dna_DNA_p1.phylip
    INFO: Wrote to dna_DNA_p2.phylip

    By default, the output is written in the PHYLIP format and is named like {INPUT_FILE}_{PARTITION_NAME}.{FORMAT}. For FASTA output, pass --type=fasta. You can also specify a prefix to add to the output file names with --prefix=subdir/, and optionally trim gaps and drop sequences consisting of only gaps with --trim. Check the video above for a quick demonstration of all the options.

    You can also enable detailed output with --verbose.

This currently doesn’t support partition formats that partition by e.g., 1st + 2nd postition and 3rd position.

See the source on GitHub.

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